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Aimable Cats

Submitted by catmin on 14 July, 2014 - 12:23

Aimable Cats [ɛmɑ:bl kæts] is a feline social media website I created in response to the closure of .

[Updated with the new web address, 30 Nov 2014]

Currently, there are about 40 active members. It is a place for cats to post pictures, videos, and short news updates.

Financially, it is only my intention that the site generate enough revenue to pay for all of its expenses, which currently appear to be in the range of about $1,200 to $2,000 per year. Of that total, about $300 is for web hosting, and $800 is for internet access. I am using open-source software (Drupal) for which there is no licensing fee.

I am considering several options for the site to pay for itself. One option is selling cat-appropriate advertising on the page, including sponsored posts; that may not bring in very much revenue. Another would be to sell Aimable Cats email accounts.

Whether you are accessing the site from an existing email or one purchased from the site, I will not access your email contact list except by explicit request. Do not provide me with your email password.

What I will not do is sell the site to investors only interested in profit. If I do decide to sell, whether I sell all or part of it, whether to one entity or several, I plan to limit my sale to those who have been a part of the community. I am a catlover first and am only going into business with this because there is a demand for a network like this that I do not see being supplied. I am not opposed to making a profit, but that is not my primary motive. I have some general ideas about charitable donations when the site starts to make a profit.